A bad night’s sleep can often lead to back pain, lack of sleep and all-around health issues, we have put together some Tips for Achieving The Best Night’s Sleep.

Choosing The Right Bed
Choosing the right bed for your health and comfort needs play a huge role in getting a restful restorative sleep. A good night’s rest is vital for optimal performance during the day. Having a bed that offers the correct support for your height, weight, and health requirements aids in achieving a good night’s rest and improves overall health. Therefore, it is important to invest in a bed that will work for you and your partner for several years.
An incorrect bed can cause back and neck pain and many sleepless nights. A mattress that is too soft will cause your spine to dip and create back pain. Therefore, it is recommended to go for a gently firm mattress if you suffer from back pain. As your spine needs to be aligned correctly with the support points. If you suffer from any spinal or back conditions you should visit your doctor and have them advise on the perfect support level for you. If you prefer a softer mattress memory foam topper work with the structure of the mattress as well as adding an extra comfort level. Have a look at our blog on how to choose the right bed for you for in-depth advice on choosing a perfect bed for you.
Your Pillow
Some people will go their whole life never changing their pillow but did you know that you pillow actually serves as a major factor on your sleep quality and health? Your pillow is the support between your neck and the mattress. It is vitally important as it aids in keeping your spine in alignment to the rest of your body when you sleep. If your pillow is too high or low it will cause your neck to dip. The recommended pillow is a medium density pillow that does not prop up your neck to a higher position than the mattress, because you need your neck to be in line with your spine. If you sleep while your neck is in a higher position to your spine it can cause neck spasms and back pain.
Limit Screen Time
The artificial blue light reflected by your screen can play a role in getting a good night’s rest. This can be from your mobile phone, laptop, computer, tablet and TV screen. This blue light can have an effect on how quickly you fall asleep and the state of sleep you achieve. This is because the light can trick your brain into thinking it is day time. Therefore, your body won’t produce melatonin which is the sleep hormone which puts you to sleep. It is therefore recommended to switch off the screen or put down your phone at least 1 hour before bed.
Slow Down on Caffeine Intake
Try to limit your coffee intake, a large daily consumption of caffeine can have an effect on your sleep. It is recommended to cut caffeine from 2pm in the afternoon and switch to decaffeinated coffee or decaffeinated tea to aid in getting a good night’s sleep. Coffee can cause insomnia and delay your body’s production of Melatonin.
Essential Oils and Tea’s
There are many essential oils and teas available on the market which aid in getting the best night’s sleep. It is best to avoid caffeinated tea as this will have an adverse effect. Camomile tea is a great option as it has a calming and healing effect on the body. It contains antioxidants that reduce insomnia and improve melatonin production in the body. Essential oils are the oils extracted from a plant, seed or flower. Camomile, Lavender, Jasmin and Sweet Marjoram oils are also used to provide good sleep due to their relaxing effect on the body. These can be used directly as an essential oil or in a candle form.
Sleep is essential to optimal performance therefore it is important to look at factors that can disrupt your sleep.
Shop our range of beds and pillows here and stay tuned for more information, news, events, and recipes.
Much Love,
Margaret Hirsch